
Gender-Affirming Care for Kids

And Both Sides of the Gender-Identity Issue Adults who choose to transition to a different gender often have good reason, and are old enough to make their own choice, so should be accepted. However, thoughtful people should be allowed to discuss whether it's wise for children to make similar choices before they're old enough to understand the impact of such life-altering decisions. We don't willingly let kids choose whether they can smoke or drink or drive or enter the military for good reason. In the case of gender identity, human feelings (including sexual attraction) are strongly affected by numerous hormones and other biochemicals that usually change dramatically as we grow through adolescence and beyond. That's one of the reasons growing up is so often a difficult process requiring loving guidance from adults. Most parents remember some of the fantastic make-believe stories their kids came up with when they were young, and most children were fortunate their parents

Fairness for Female Athletes

And opportunities to compete for all women/girls whether transgender or cis. As someone who grew up with three younger sisters while Title IX was being debated and signed into law (and with a father in University administration) I took special interest in its purpose and application. Years later, raising two daughters and a son, all successful high school athletes, it was easy to appreciate its benefit for girls and women in sports among other aspects. Today, as important as it is to accept those who are transgender, and make sure they have opportunities in sports and elsewhere, it’s mind-boggling to some of us to see people claim it’s fair to women born female for transgender women (especially those who went through puberty   while still male ) to compete against them in violation of the intent of Title IX. Thankfully, we’re now seeing a few more folks like   Caitlyn Jenner ,   Martina Navratilova ,   Riley Gaines , and even   RFK Jr   brave enough to speak up   against intimidating h